Category Archives: Random Thoughts

Ice Cream Social


A few weekends ago, our local elementary school held an ice cream social as a way to build more community within our school.  Our elementary school, seems to have lost a lot of the community it once had within it and there is a bunch of us trying hard to get it back for our children.  We figured an ice cream social is a way for us to come together as well as a way for children to meet & play with other children they normally wouldn’t.  Plus, incoming Kindergarteners were invited, some meeting children they will be in class with in the fall.
Beside ice cream sundaes we had airplane making station which you could race them in different hoops, sack races, bubble….hula hoops….& ball station.   The coolest thing was the banner station though, where we wrote welcome back and each kid & adult could add their handprints and/or a nice design to it, which will greet them in the fall.  Here’s some images that highlight this fun event…..




What does your school do for community building?

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New Projects….New Goals….New Year

Happy New Years Eve!  I hope everyone is having an enjoyable time.

With the new year coming up fast, I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to do with my photography & this blog.  As of right now, my photography that I share with everyone is pretty random.  The pics I take are usually for the link ups I take part in, not a part of a photo project or anything.  I tried 2 365 projects but halfway through life would get in the way.  This year will be different because I thought about some interesting (at least to me they are) ideas that I can’t wait to work on.  Below are the 5 ideas I will be working on throughout 2015.

New Projects: ( I won’t be doing all the projects at once, doing one or two at a time.  I’ll go into more detail as I do each project)

*Simply Sera
*Beautiful Journey
*Once Upon A Time
*Happiness is……..
And as for my goals, both personal & blog related, I did a post on them & my word of the year that you can check out @

What are some goals you have for your blog,  for the new year?  

What’s One To Do

What’s one to do when there is only 1 out of 5 kids home????  Watch The Burbs.


My 11 yr old son loves cheesy 80s & 90s movies just like his momma.  Tonight we had the pleasure of having an alone night so I introduced him to The Burbs & Ice Pirates and their space herpe.  AHAHAHAHA

Ice Pirates The ice pirates bruce

 Anyone else love these two movies above.?  What’s your favorite 80s or 90s cheesy movie?

47/365 Dragonfly Spirit

“The Dragonfly meaning changes with each culture. The main symbolisms of the dragonfly are renewal, positive force and the power of life in general.  Also, the dragonfly frequently represents change. And as a dragonfly lives a short life, it knows it must live its life to the fullest with the short time it has – which is a lesson for all of us.


Isn’t it great for a cell phone pic? I LOVE my new phone!!!!

In Native American astrology, there is a strong belief that each person has a totem animal spirit which serves as their guardians and guides through certain phases of life. Often, an individual would have many different totems throughout life, some for just a time, some for their entire lives. And one of these totem spirits was the spirit of the dragonfly. It would adopt men and women, young and old. The dragonfly spirit means you must consciously make an effort to express your hopes, dreams, needs and wishes.” taken from ~




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38/365 Happiness Is……..

Happiness is……..

2013-07-20 09.14.12_tonemapped

taken @ Cape Cod

*being a mother for 15 years (it’s crazy when I think about it)

*being a wife for almost 9 years

*having my two little ones crawl into bed with me around 4am almost every morning

*waking up to my oldest giving me kisses before he leaves for school

*hearing I love you from all 5 of my children 5 times a day (at least)

*seeing your children grow as a person, trying to find who they are

*having my youngest son run through the door, in excitement showing me his plaque he won for wrestling

*seeing baby snakes hatching (who would have guessed)


*playing hide n seek at the local playground with my littlest while everyone is at school

*seeing my growth as a person when I look back over the years

*being a great friend, someone who people can rely on and know I am there without judgement

*staying home with my children, even in today’s economy

*having an amazing hard working handsome husband that comes home to me every night (unless he is traveling for work)

*being where I am, right here….right now….

*finding what I love doing and actually doing it, like writing, photography, & traveling

*traveling with and without my family to new places like Plum Island



*being in love and being loved back

*not going camping in a tent

*going kayaking with Jason in the early mornings or late evenings

*enjoying most of my days as much as I can because they won’t last forever

*knowing that even through our hardest times, there are happy times ahead


These are just a few things that pops into my head, when I think of what happiness is to me.

What is happiness to you?  What pops into your head when you think of happiness?



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My Creativity

 “True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.” ~ Albert Einstein  

When I started this blog, I didn’t think much about finding my blogging groove or anything else that came along with blogging like building a following or starting your own blogging community.  I started this blog as a place I can show others my creative side through photography.  Then a few months into it, I decided I liked to write so I started writing, getting great results and feedback from many people.  That was a huge self esteem boost, one that I really needed at that moment in time.  It helped me rethink my blogging and combine all my areas of creativity into this one blog.

This blog is fun for me and I enjoy writing and connecting with others through it.  I know I am doing something right because I never thought I would have anyone interested in it, and now I have over a 100 people who likes it well enough to read my postings.  That to me is a great achievement, even if it is only a small amount of people compared to the big blogs out there.  It also makes me want to put up more quality content more often, which I am hoping I will be able to do.

I always said I didn’t want to lose focus of my blog and its mission.  That is why I had another blog for everything else like my diy, frugalness, or exploring simplicity.  While I was on vacation, I realized that all of the things I am interested in, have one common thread, creativity.  They all incorporate in some way my creativity, which I put towards everything in my life whether its being frugal, cooking unique foods, my photography, or creative writing.

Through creativity my  inner artist comes out.  And isn’t that what this blog’s mission is all about?  Exploring my inner artist, sharing with others, and having others share with me.  Art is so subjective and can cover a wide range of things, even being frugal.  My blog’s theme is very open, leaving me room to expand as I see fit.

So, without needing to change this blog at all, I will be adding different areas that I use my creativity in, sharing the results with all of you, and sharing the different ways my inner artist comes out to play.

How  do you incorporate art in your daily life?  How does your inner artist come out to play?   The creative world is so interesting because I love seeing or reading how others incorporate it into their lives.


It’s Not A One Way Street


I am not a perfect, my beauty lies in my imperfectness.  I know my weaknesses, which I try to work on them daily.  I know my strengths will I rely on throughout my day, as needed.  Through my imperfect mess I know that my best qualities are:  that i’m a caring, loving, considerate, loyal, very forgiving, non-judgmental (as much as I can be),  non-gossip queenish.  I try hard each week, to connect with the people that matter to me and show them in some way shape or form, that I am here and I do care, even when I am silent.  I would drop everything for those people who are important to me, if I can.  But what happens when your the only one making an effort in your relationships?  When you have a “one way street” relationship?

First, let me tell you it can be very hurtful to be in a relationship of any kind, when you are the feel your are the only one making an effort.  Thoughts run through your mind like “Do they even care about me and my family?   Do they value our relationship?  Is it as important to them as it is to me?”  The feelings that derived from a those kind of relationships, can be hurtful, make us sad or angry, and we sometimes just don’t understand why this is happening.  It can affect our self esteem a lot too.

But there is one thing we need to keep in mind during these times.  We need to know that how we are feeling is not the other person’s fault.  The way we react is all on us, since we are the only ones in control of our emotions.  Instead of blaming others for our hurt feelings, we need to look inside ourselves and ask ” why do we feel the way we feel?” Once we ask ourselves those questions and start to understand our feelings, that is when we can begin to move forwards towards happier times, towards a happier you.

Lately, it seems that with some of my relationships, it’s a “one way street” relationship.  That is what I call the relationships that are one sided, with only one of the people involved contributing to it.  Once, I got over my hurt feelings, I began to realize I was feeling this way, because I was trying way to hard with others, when they were interested in me or what I have to offer.  Why try so hard on someone who isn’t interested in you anymore?  Why waste your time dealing with this?  The more I try, the worse I felt.  I am not one to just throw in the towel, when things or relationships aren’t the way I want or pictured they would be like.  Relationships of any kind are work, sometimes hard work.  If we don’t work on them, they wither and die.

For us all, there comes a point in time, when we must say, “enough is enough.  I tried and it didn’t work out the way I wanted it to.  Now, I need to put my efforts in where my efforts are appreciated.”  And that, my friends is what I started to do.  Instead, of putting effort into everyone, I am concentrating on the people close to me that value and appreciate what I have to offer and who I am (including my faults).  I am giving more to others who do show me that they do care not just about me but my entire family.  I decided to put more of an effort towards myself too….reestablishing my relationship with myself (as corny as that sounds).  If we don’t have a healthy relationship with ourselves, how can we have it with anyone else?  I know if I follow this road, I won’t have those awful feelings as much and I will be much happier overall.  Plus, my self esteem won’t get hit as hard either.

So if you value your relationships, for your own sake, make sure it’s not a “one way street” relationship.  If it is, communicate your feeling to that person and if nothing changes from that, then its time to move on towards people who do value you.  Otherwise, our feelings could get the better of us and lead us down a sad, lonely, and dark road.

 Do you any relationships like I described above?  How do you handle them?  What did you learn about yourself from having these type of relationship?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this in my comment section 🙂


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Rediscovering My Love Of Motherhood Through Photography

Being a mom, is the most REWARDING and Amazing thing that I could be a part of.  I am so thankful for all my 5 healthy children.  God has really blessed me.  I love motherhood, even during the hard moment where all you want to do is scream or rip out your hair.  Honestly, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.  Motherhood suits me.

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What I didn’t realize is that when I started my photography/artist journey, I would fall in love with motherhood all over again.  It helped me rekindle the moments that motherhood is all about.  Those moments which we forget about during our harder times.  I didn’t want to forget or push aside those special moments, since it is what motherhood is all about.  Through my journey so far I have been able to:
*cherish the little things, which in turn became the best things….like the tire swing smiles or silly rainy summer days

2013-08-01 15.06.00 2013-06-09 14.15.09

*realize just how beautiful childhood really is, even during the hard difficult parts



*see that yes indeed, my children are definitely products of their environment….and I am PROUD of this!

2013-05-18 10.08.45 2013-05-18 10.06.03


*see how beautiful they are on the inside and out…. in today’s material centered world, I am glad I can nurture this to help them SHINE

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*know that creativity runs in our family, but shows up different for each  child

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*enjoy those quite relaxing moments

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*engaging and enjoying each of my children’s spirit

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*share my passion of photography with them and it turn, it has become a part in our lives, something that my children really enjoy.  Absolutely, no forcing here.  Well, maybe my teen son needs a little incentive. 😉  **side note-you can see that my boys don’t like their pics taken as much as the girls.**

Through my experiences with my photography, I not only rediscovered  the wonderful things of motherhood, I have been able to document it, share it with others, and have something special that the children do with me.  Photography helped me reconnect, rekindle my love of motherhood.  And I am so happy, that something that started out as nothing, turned into a family fun activity that I am able to share with my children.

What is something you love about motherhood?




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16/365 Carnival

“God put us here on this carnival ride, we close our eyes never knowing where it will take us next.” ~ Carrie Underwood

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Isn’t that the truth!?!?

Thinking back just 10 years, it’s amazing how much things have changed, how much I have grown, and where my journey has taken me.  10 years ago, I was a 24 years old, a single mom of 3 with a fiancee, living in a small shack in the middle of nowhere, one crappy car, had no TV or internet or telephone, and  didn’t have any money-actually owed more than I earned by far.  At that one moment, I thought life was hopeless.  I didn’t think that my journey would get any better than it was.  It was a harder time in my life.  Now, looking back, I really wished I had more faith, faith in myself, god, and my soon to be husband.

My life now isn’t what I pictured it would be, it’s better.  After years of hard work from both my husband and I, we are now reaping in the rewards.  We now own our own home, I am super happy being home with my children, we have a yard that is all our own, hubby doesn’t have any more creditors, both of our credit scores went way up, we own 2 cars so I don’t have to share with him anymore, we have extra fun things like a camper and kayaks, and my hubby has a better job, one in which he won an award for and got a promotion.  Because of this, we are so much happier, happier than I ever thought possible.

I have grown so much, I have found my passion for photography & writing, and I have done a few things I never ever seen myself doing like canning, farmer’s markets (as a vendor), making & trying different recipes, diy things and other homesteading ideas, started my family and artist blog, I was asked to create my own workshop & teach it, I was asked to do a 5 week group to share my frugal ideas and to show others that anyone can get healthy on any budget, and discovered my passion for writing.  And As of the last few months, I have embraced minimalism, and starting my journey with that.  I am a completely different person than I was, with different goals and ideas.  Now I couldn’t imagine anything else.  Each of our journeys are so amazing, since each are filled with joyful and sad memories, ups and downs, twists and turns.  If you look back at yourself 10 years ago, I am sure you will see how much you have grown.  So, all those moments, where you wonder how important your daily tasks really are, how you are making a contribution.  Don’t count those moments but take a step back and look at how far you have come.

Is your life now, the way you pictured it would be 10 years ago?  Or have things completely changed for you?


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