Tag Archives: images

Thought Of The Day….Plus Promoting Your Blog

“You can’t see clearly till you open your mind.”
~Living Intentionally Simple

Got a blog?  A post you would like to share?
Feel free to promote your latest blog post in my comment section below.  Be sure to leave a link so we all can come over & visit.  It doesn’t matter what you blog about, it doesn’t have to be photography.  Anything is the theme.  I’m always looking for new blogs to read so here’s you chance to gain at least 1 new reader.   🙂

Love these photos so much I had to share.  You can read the story behind it on my other blog, Living Intentionally Simple.  But this is the 1st time I’ve had good Christmas tree pics.  I can never get the lighting the way I want it.
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Ice Cream Social


A few weekends ago, our local elementary school held an ice cream social as a way to build more community within our school.  Our elementary school, seems to have lost a lot of the community it once had within it and there is a bunch of us trying hard to get it back for our children.  We figured an ice cream social is a way for us to come together as well as a way for children to meet & play with other children they normally wouldn’t.  Plus, incoming Kindergarteners were invited, some meeting children they will be in class with in the fall.
Beside ice cream sundaes we had airplane making station which you could race them in different hoops, sack races, bubble….hula hoops….& ball station.   The coolest thing was the banner station though, where we wrote welcome back and each kid & adult could add their handprints and/or a nice design to it, which will greet them in the fall.  Here’s some images that highlight this fun event…..




What does your school do for community building?

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Oh My Heartsie Girl,


43/365 Making

“There’s nothing more satisfying than making things by your own two hands.”
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Friday Photo Journal

Today marks the 14th day of a month long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you to want to look me up on the list, I’m #1099.  My theme for this month is words associated with photography.  Share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Doing the challenge yourself, let me know so I can follow you.  Join me each day for my Exploring Photography A to Z.

39/365 The Letter “J”

We all have seen photos that use object shapes for different letters of the alphabet.  Here’s what I found yesterday when looking for the letter J.
Have you done the alphabet photography challenge before?  Was it hard?  Any tips?

Today marks the 10th day of a month long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you to want to look me up on the list, I’m #1099.  My theme for this month is words associated with photography.  Share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Doing the challenge yourself, let me know so I can follow you.  Join me each day for my Exploring Photography A to Z.

34/365 Fairies

Last summer when we went camping at our favorite spot, we noticed they had their own fairy land which included: fairies, houses, & a neat path to follow to find the fairies.  The girls and I went on this a few times, which they thought was neat.  Something we don’t see every day.

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the entrance 

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1 fairy house with ladder

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cute little ladder

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Another fairy house

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Meet the fairy

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Do you have a place like this where you live?  Or have you made your own fairy house?


Today marks the 6th day of a month long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you to want to look me up on the list, I’m #1099.  My theme for this month is words associated with photography.  Share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Doing the challenge yourself, let me know so I can follow you.  Join me each day for my Exploring Photography A to Z.    

Word Snap Weekly: Burning




Looking for a few fun link ups  check out these two:
ImagesByCW PhotographyWord-Snap-Weekly-Badge-©-uniqueartchic.com

30/365 Creating

There’s nothing like working with your hands to create a masterpiece.  The feeling of accomplishment and pride is awesome.  No matter what you are making, what skill level you are at, how old you are, or what your medium is……..anything you are proud of that you worked hard to make is a masterpiece.  For my girls & their best friend, it was their spring flower ornaments but for me it was getting the angle I wanted in these pics, to tell a certain story.


Created any masterpieces of your own lately?

Today marks the 3rd day of a month long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you to want to look me up on the list, I’m #1099.  My theme for this month is words associated with photography.  Share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Doing the challenge yourself, let me know so I can follow you.  Join me each day for my Exploring Photography A to Z.    


25/365 Unique Easter Hunt

Beaver Brook Association in Hollis New Hampshire is a fantastic place, I just happened to hear about last year.  The place is amazing & we love visiting it as much as we can.  They have numerous trails, activities, & events like fitness hikes & summer camps.  Each year they host an egg hunt along one of their short trails.  They guarantee every kid will get 10-12 eggs, which are filled with little candies, stickers, or small treats.  You get some really great pics plus the kids get to have some fun.  We all had a blast and we couldn’t wait to do it this year.  Sadly, due to all the snow we have gotten, they had to cancel it.  Since it was supposed to be today, I decided to share our pics from last year.  If your local, check them out at Beaver Brook.
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And once we finished I went to a broken down bridge I love and took a few more pics….
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Unknown Miami

10/365 Budweiser Clydesdales w/ Tour

For my oldest son’s 16th birthday, my father & step mom took us out to the Budweiser company to see the Clydesdales & tour the facility.  It was much more fun than we all originally thought.
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And then we headed to Red Robin to finish the day off with some good food & birthday singing.  It was a fun simple way to celebrate Tony’s birthday.


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