Monthly Archives: June 2014

46/365 WW Blending In







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The Jenny EvolutionWordless Wednesday

45/365 Confucius





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Sweet shot tuesday blog badge

44/365 Humankind





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Shine the DivineMacro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg

42/365 Run Through The Forest

“We should run through the forests,
we should swim in the streams…
We should laugh we should cry ,
we should love we should dream.
We should stare at the stars,
and not just at these screens.”
-Scare Away the Dark (Passenger)
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Unknown Mami

41/365 Ocean’s Leftovers




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Black and White weekend blog badge

40/365 An Artist


“He who works with his hands is a laborer.

He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman

He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist” ~St. Francis of Assisi




PhotoStory Friday




39/365 Happy People

2014-06-05 17.05.49





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Wordless Wednesday Link Up on Easy Green Momb2d Wordless WednesdayAmanda’s Books and MoreWordless Wednesday HopRubyWW camera button

38/365 Happiness Is……..

Happiness is……..

2013-07-20 09.14.12_tonemapped

taken @ Cape Cod

*being a mother for 15 years (it’s crazy when I think about it)

*being a wife for almost 9 years

*having my two little ones crawl into bed with me around 4am almost every morning

*waking up to my oldest giving me kisses before he leaves for school

*hearing I love you from all 5 of my children 5 times a day (at least)

*seeing your children grow as a person, trying to find who they are

*having my youngest son run through the door, in excitement showing me his plaque he won for wrestling

*seeing baby snakes hatching (who would have guessed)


*playing hide n seek at the local playground with my littlest while everyone is at school

*seeing my growth as a person when I look back over the years

*being a great friend, someone who people can rely on and know I am there without judgement

*staying home with my children, even in today’s economy

*having an amazing hard working handsome husband that comes home to me every night (unless he is traveling for work)

*being where I am, right here….right now….

*finding what I love doing and actually doing it, like writing, photography, & traveling

*traveling with and without my family to new places like Plum Island



*being in love and being loved back

*not going camping in a tent

*going kayaking with Jason in the early mornings or late evenings

*enjoying most of my days as much as I can because they won’t last forever

*knowing that even through our hardest times, there are happy times ahead


These are just a few things that pops into my head, when I think of what happiness is to me.

What is happiness to you?  What pops into your head when you think of happiness?



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Our World Tuesday GraphicFriday Photo JournalTheWeekendBrewButton

37/365 Macro Monday-Beneficial Bugs

“If all insects on Earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on Earth would end.  If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.” ~ Jonas Salik



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Macro Monday badgeMacro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg

35/365 Vaca Preview-

~I haven’t had much time since we got back on Monday, to look at my vacation pics.  As I was quickly browsing through them, all my 350 photos, this one I just had to share.  Stayed tuned for our vacation pics coming up sometime soon.~


without words




We all have different ways of interpreting something we see or hear.  So I want to know, what does this quote say to you?