Monthly Archives: July 2014

53/365 Orange Burst



“Where flowers bloom so does hope.” ~Lady Bird Johnson


older pic that I took when I first started out exploring photography…….love the colors in this!


It’s that time again, for another mini vacation for 5 days.  I hope to be posting still, but if I am a little slower at it, then you can understand why.

52/365 WW-Lost in the Mess




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51/365 Beautiful Save

This little guy, I saved from being the next victim of fast moving cars.  Yes, I was the wacky lady that stopped traffic, walked in the middle of the road, scooped him up, and put him somewhere safe…….all the while making sure I didn’t touch his wing because I heard if you do, then it would kill them.

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(All photos taken with my cell phone)

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47/365 Dragonfly Spirit

“The Dragonfly meaning changes with each culture. The main symbolisms of the dragonfly are renewal, positive force and the power of life in general.  Also, the dragonfly frequently represents change. And as a dragonfly lives a short life, it knows it must live its life to the fullest with the short time it has – which is a lesson for all of us.


Isn’t it great for a cell phone pic? I LOVE my new phone!!!!

In Native American astrology, there is a strong belief that each person has a totem animal spirit which serves as their guardians and guides through certain phases of life. Often, an individual would have many different totems throughout life, some for just a time, some for their entire lives. And one of these totem spirits was the spirit of the dragonfly. It would adopt men and women, young and old. The dragonfly spirit means you must consciously make an effort to express your hopes, dreams, needs and wishes.” taken from ~




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