Tag Archives: outdoors

Quote of the Day….Maya Angelou

“Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style.”
~Maya Angelou

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Our World, Image-in-ing


“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”


Where has life taken you this weekend?

My Sister



Sharing memories with my best friend….
my sister.

Winter Oh Winter


What does winter look like for you?

Adventures of Benny the Bear

Off for an adventure with Benny the bear……..
Benny the Bear is a fun project my 2nd grader is sent home with a few times this school year.  She brings this cute teddy bear home with a book that she writes all about their adventures together.  She gets him for the entire weekend, which is exciting for her.  Today’s adventure in the snow storm was filled with exploring our small town during the storm, walking around, sledding, rolling around, and making snowmen with friends for Benny.  Who knows what tomorrow bring with Benny the Bear.

Walking Ninja

I’m starting to enjoy walking in the cold.  Especially since I look super cool.
Where has your walking adventures taken you lately?

Beautiful Journey

“When you rush through life it becomes a race, but when you enjoy each moment it becomes a beautiful journey.” ~Apoorve Dubey

If you read either one of my blogs, you know I truly believe with all my soul that it’s the little moments in our lives that fills our life with happiness & joy. It’s the beauty of those moments that transform our lives, creating memories to forever cherish.
In 2015, I was in a creative rut, one that I couldn’t seem to get out of.  I didn’t take nearly as many images as I normally do, and at the end of the year, when I went through & picked my favorite images to print, I was completely saddened by the lack of images.  I mean I only had 1 or 2 of all my 5 kids together for the whole year!  Pretty soon my oldest will be 18 and when he’s off making a place for himself in the world and I will looking for those images to comfort me during his absence.
A few days later, I was checking out a few of my favorite blogs and saw the recaps of their year through images and my heart broke. This is something I truly regret. Something I feel I missed out on because I couldn’t dig myself out of the creative hole I was in.  So with the new year beginning, I’m determined to not repeat last year’s mistake, it’s time to jump back in and start doing what I love to do best…….photographing & exploring our the world around us. My photography is something I do for myself, as well as my children.  Yes, they enjoy it as much as I do.  We spend many a nights looking at old images, talking about what happened in them.  But I also love sharing the meaningful images or images I’m proud of with like minded people.  Which is where my 1st 2016 photography project began.
This is a 365 project that that highlights & documents the beauty in our everyday.  And “Beautiful Journey” was born.

“Living the country life helps you appreciate some of the simpler things,  things that make us feel good about ourselves.” ~Unknown

Please check back daily for my new images. I will accompany them with a quote, story, poem, or sometimes with nothing at all.  But since I’m a quote gal, you can bet there will be quite a few of them.  🙂  If you are doing your own 365 or another photography or creative project, please leave me a link in the comments so I can follow along. There’s a lot of new things happening with Ever Changing over this next year, hope you’ll come back regularly & check them out.

What do you do to get yourself out of a creative rut?

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Our World Tuesday


“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?” ~John Lennon
untitled (1 of 1)-7_tonemapped


Catching Tadpoles




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Oh My Hearstie Girl, Create With Joy,



**this post is 72 in my 365 series**

39/365 The Letter “J”

We all have seen photos that use object shapes for different letters of the alphabet.  Here’s what I found yesterday when looking for the letter J.
Have you done the alphabet photography challenge before?  Was it hard?  Any tips?

Today marks the 10th day of a month long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you to want to look me up on the list, I’m #1099.  My theme for this month is words associated with photography.  Share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Doing the challenge yourself, let me know so I can follow you.  Join me each day for my Exploring Photography A to Z.