Tag Archives: blogging

Thought Of The Day….Plus Promoting Your Blog

“You can’t see clearly till you open your mind.”
~Living Intentionally Simple

Got a blog?  A post you would like to share?
Feel free to promote your latest blog post in my comment section below.  Be sure to leave a link so we all can come over & visit.  It doesn’t matter what you blog about, it doesn’t have to be photography.  Anything is the theme.  I’m always looking for new blogs to read so here’s you chance to gain at least 1 new reader.   🙂


“The more you praise & celebrate your life, the
more there is in life to celebrate” ~Oprah Winfrey

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Black and White weekend blog badge

Simplest Things Bring Greatest Pleasures

“Sometimes the greatest pleasure is the simplest of things.”


Without The Rain

“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbows.” ~Jerry Chin



Who Knew

Who knew going to the grocery store could be so much fun?



“A daughter is one of the most beautiful gifts this world has to offer. ~Laurel Atherton”

We live in a small town, so there isn’t a lot of things to do, especially during the winter months.  One of our favorite places to bring the girls is the elementary school.  It has a little bit of every thing there, so we frequent it often.
The last time we went, my littlest one brought her new soccer ball Santa got her and played with my 8 yr old (pictured above) brought her secret diary.  They are so different, yet so much alike.  Alyssabeans has bad knees so a lot of running & sports hurt her lots.
She got bored with her diary and wanted to play, which of course didn’t last too long.  While my little one & hubby were off passing the ball & we were waiting for them to try to score, my Alyssabeans was messing around with the net, being oh so cute.  Of course I had to take a few pics, even if it’s just with my camera phone.
She loves taking & being in pics as much as I do.  I def passed my love for photography to her. This is what I will remember from this outing, how we shared our love of photography together, laughing & being silly, enjoying our time together.


Love these photos so much I had to share.  You can read the story behind it on my other blog, Living Intentionally Simple.  But this is the 1st time I’ve had good Christmas tree pics.  I can never get the lighting the way I want it.
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Ice Cream Social


A few weekends ago, our local elementary school held an ice cream social as a way to build more community within our school.  Our elementary school, seems to have lost a lot of the community it once had within it and there is a bunch of us trying hard to get it back for our children.  We figured an ice cream social is a way for us to come together as well as a way for children to meet & play with other children they normally wouldn’t.  Plus, incoming Kindergarteners were invited, some meeting children they will be in class with in the fall.
Beside ice cream sundaes we had airplane making station which you could race them in different hoops, sack races, bubble….hula hoops….& ball station.   The coolest thing was the banner station though, where we wrote welcome back and each kid & adult could add their handprints and/or a nice design to it, which will greet them in the fall.  Here’s some images that highlight this fun event…..




What does your school do for community building?

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Walking To Happiness

WOW, this is my 200th post here!  I’m super excited at how far I’ve come since I 1st began this site.  It amazes me to think about all the great people I’ve met and have had the privilege of getting to know and how my much my photography has changed.  Thank you to all of you, who makes blogging such a fun experience for me.  Here’s to another 200 posts!
Check out my latest post on my other site Living Intentionally Simple.  Here’s my latest image I used in today’s post:
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