Monthly Archives: April 2014

Who Are You???? 15 Questions about you

I have a great idea, an idea I would love to take credit for, but it wasn’t my idea.  A new blogger friend, who by the way, has a great site in which I saw her post this idea.  She asked her followers all about them.  You can check out her site at  

Anyways, since I want my blog to be a community in which we all share with one another, the best way for me to get to know all of you, is by asking you questions.  I would love as many people as possible to answer this post, so I can get to know all of you.  Below is a list of questions that you can answer in the comments.  I love forwards to all the interesting people answering questions about them.

1. Where do you live?……..Where are you from?

2. What is your favorite number?

3. What’s your favorite movie?

4. How large is your family?

5. What are your hobbies?

6. What is something you would change about yourself, if you could?

7. Do you have any pets?  If so, what are they?

8. Name a good trait you have

9. How many blogs do you have?  What are they?

10. Why do you blog?

11. What is your favorite childhood memory?

12. What is your favorite TV show?

13. Tell me something bad about you?

14. Do you travel? A lot?  If so, where have you been?

15.  If you were on a deserted island and only allowed to take 4 things, what would you take with you?


22/365 Fishing With My Daddy

“All of the time I spent with you, are going to be sweet memories for the rest of my life.  You are my inspiration.” ~unknown

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“My daddy is the best!”  That’s what the girlies always say.  They love and adore him, with every piece of their heart and soul.  They don’t get to spend much time with him, since he is always traveling and off working hard so I can be home with the kids.  Being able to stay home with 5 kids in today’s society, is such a big blessing.  Honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  But because of his sacrifice, the time he gets with the kids mean a lot to him, even when he doesn’t show it.  Last Sunday, he was able to take the girls fishing while I took some pics.  The girls love fishing with their dad, even if their attention span isn’t very long.  They love spending time with him, but they just wished he had more time to spend with them.

21/365 Muck Fest 2014

Boston’s 2014 Muck Fest, was this past Saturday.  It’s the 1st time my husband and I have attended this event.  But it won’t be the last.  Next year, I am hoping I can participate in it, since it seemed like a lot fun.  This year it was held at at Fort Devens in Devens Massachusetts.  My husband ran their 3.2 mile course which consisted of not just running but 19 different obstacle pit stops along their run.  His team and him finished in little over an hour.  Then the girlies did their own course called the “Little Muckers”.  I was going to edit the pics but I am just to lazy.  I might edit one or two soon, but till then you just get these.

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thursday favorite things blog hop

20/365 That Special Spot

“Our connection with nature is our connection with ourselves, as we treat her, so we treat ourselves.  Let us be gentle and respectful, insightful, and courageously caring.” ~Yoko

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**Sorry I have been so quiet here lately.  I have been under more stress than normal and I haven’t been feeling well.**

The last few days, have had more stress than normal.  What do you do to handle your stressful times?  Me, well I go to my special place, that helps me to relax and simply enjoy the beauty around me.  This spot is a place I go to escape my life, when I just need to step away and take a breather.  What makes this spot so special to me?  This place was one of the first places I found, when I first moved out here.  I love going here because even if I need to relax I can bring the kids since there is so many things to do here like swimming, kayaking, playing at the playground, going on numerous hiking trails, bring the dog for a walk, skipping rocks, practice my photography, eat lunch or dinner, and walk around aimlessly taking in all of the beauty that this place offers.  Plus, the view is amazing.


What is your special stress relieving spot?  And why do you like it?



thursday favorite things blog hop

19/365 Sand Between Your Feet

“Happiness is nothing but sand beneath your feet, a puff of summer breeze, and the company of a good friend.”2013-07-16 08.18.19And1more_tonemapped



Linked pic @

18/365 Inwards

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Rediscovering My Love Of Motherhood Through Photography

Being a mom, is the most REWARDING and Amazing thing that I could be a part of.  I am so thankful for all my 5 healthy children.  God has really blessed me.  I love motherhood, even during the hard moment where all you want to do is scream or rip out your hair.  Honestly, I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.  Motherhood suits me.

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What I didn’t realize is that when I started my photography/artist journey, I would fall in love with motherhood all over again.  It helped me rekindle the moments that motherhood is all about.  Those moments which we forget about during our harder times.  I didn’t want to forget or push aside those special moments, since it is what motherhood is all about.  Through my journey so far I have been able to:
*cherish the little things, which in turn became the best things….like the tire swing smiles or silly rainy summer days

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*realize just how beautiful childhood really is, even during the hard difficult parts



*see that yes indeed, my children are definitely products of their environment….and I am PROUD of this!

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*see how beautiful they are on the inside and out…. in today’s material centered world, I am glad I can nurture this to help them SHINE

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*know that creativity runs in our family, but shows up different for each  child

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*enjoy those quite relaxing moments

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*engaging and enjoying each of my children’s spirit

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*share my passion of photography with them and it turn, it has become a part in our lives, something that my children really enjoy.  Absolutely, no forcing here.  Well, maybe my teen son needs a little incentive. 😉  **side note-you can see that my boys don’t like their pics taken as much as the girls.**

Through my experiences with my photography, I not only rediscovered  the wonderful things of motherhood, I have been able to document it, share it with others, and have something special that the children do with me.  Photography helped me reconnect, rekindle my love of motherhood.  And I am so happy, that something that started out as nothing, turned into a family fun activity that I am able to share with my children.

What is something you love about motherhood?




linked to: thankful thursdayInspire Me Monday


17/365 Wordless Wednesday-Relaxing By The Ocean







Wordless Wednesday


The Jenny Evolution

16/365 Carnival

“God put us here on this carnival ride, we close our eyes never knowing where it will take us next.” ~ Carrie Underwood

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Isn’t that the truth!?!?

Thinking back just 10 years, it’s amazing how much things have changed, how much I have grown, and where my journey has taken me.  10 years ago, I was a 24 years old, a single mom of 3 with a fiancee, living in a small shack in the middle of nowhere, one crappy car, had no TV or internet or telephone, and  didn’t have any money-actually owed more than I earned by far.  At that one moment, I thought life was hopeless.  I didn’t think that my journey would get any better than it was.  It was a harder time in my life.  Now, looking back, I really wished I had more faith, faith in myself, god, and my soon to be husband.

My life now isn’t what I pictured it would be, it’s better.  After years of hard work from both my husband and I, we are now reaping in the rewards.  We now own our own home, I am super happy being home with my children, we have a yard that is all our own, hubby doesn’t have any more creditors, both of our credit scores went way up, we own 2 cars so I don’t have to share with him anymore, we have extra fun things like a camper and kayaks, and my hubby has a better job, one in which he won an award for and got a promotion.  Because of this, we are so much happier, happier than I ever thought possible.

I have grown so much, I have found my passion for photography & writing, and I have done a few things I never ever seen myself doing like canning, farmer’s markets (as a vendor), making & trying different recipes, diy things and other homesteading ideas, started my family and artist blog, I was asked to create my own workshop & teach it, I was asked to do a 5 week group to share my frugal ideas and to show others that anyone can get healthy on any budget, and discovered my passion for writing.  And As of the last few months, I have embraced minimalism, and starting my journey with that.  I am a completely different person than I was, with different goals and ideas.  Now I couldn’t imagine anything else.  Each of our journeys are so amazing, since each are filled with joyful and sad memories, ups and downs, twists and turns.  If you look back at yourself 10 years ago, I am sure you will see how much you have grown.  So, all those moments, where you wonder how important your daily tasks really are, how you are making a contribution.  Don’t count those moments but take a step back and look at how far you have come.

Is your life now, the way you pictured it would be 10 years ago?  Or have things completely changed for you?


linked to:

My Memory Art Me Monday


15/365 Walk Alone

” The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd.  The one who walk alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” ~ Albert Einstein






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