Tag Archives: thoughts

Quote of the Day….Bridge of Insecurity

“Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, 
you can’t begin to explore your possibilities.”
~Tim Fargo
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What have you been up to today?
Where have the road taken you?
Love to see images your images

Toy Story


18/365 Incredible



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New Projects….New Goals….New Year

Happy New Years Eve!  I hope everyone is having an enjoyable time.

With the new year coming up fast, I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to do with my photography & this blog.  As of right now, my photography that I share with everyone is pretty random.  The pics I take are usually for the link ups I take part in, not a part of a photo project or anything.  I tried 2 365 projects but halfway through life would get in the way.  This year will be different because I thought about some interesting (at least to me they are) ideas that I can’t wait to work on.  Below are the 5 ideas I will be working on throughout 2015.

New Projects: ( I won’t be doing all the projects at once, doing one or two at a time.  I’ll go into more detail as I do each project)

*Simply Sera
*Beautiful Journey
*Once Upon A Time
*Happiness is……..
And as for my goals, both personal & blog related, I did a post on them & my word of the year that you can check out @  www.livingintentionallysimple.wordpress.com

What are some goals you have for your blog,  for the new year?  

What’s One To Do

What’s one to do when there is only 1 out of 5 kids home????  Watch The Burbs.


My 11 yr old son loves cheesy 80s & 90s movies just like his momma.  Tonight we had the pleasure of having an alone night so I introduced him to The Burbs & Ice Pirates and their space herpe.  AHAHAHAHA

Ice Pirates The ice pirates bruce

 Anyone else love these two movies above.?  What’s your favorite 80s or 90s cheesy movie?


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Inspire Me Monday

Drifting Along

For the last 5 years, I have been drifting along going with the flow, but with each crashing wave, a silver of my essence….my spark, breaks away and drifts further out to sea, getting smaller and smaller till it’s no longer in sight.  How could I lose myself in the comforts of my life?  My life began to be simple, content, comfortable….even during hard times, there was still a level of comfortable, which one would think would be great.  After all, it’s something I was wanted: to be happy and comfortable in my life.  But not at the expense of losing myself.  Where & how do I move to forwards, trying to reconnect with what I’ve lost?

I don’t know if what I wrote makes sense to anyone out there, it’s very hard to explain how I feel.  Can anyone relate or understand what I am trying to express?






Christmas Magic

2014-11-30 20.30.29_tonemapped


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My Memory Art

8 Things I Love About Myself

Things have been somewhat quiet here on my blog because I have been dealing with a few things, which have been a little stressful to say the least.  Life is full of rough patches, we all go through them, but this internal battle that I have had to secretly endure seems to have gotten the better of me.  It’s been a long time coming and seems to come to head because I can’t suppress my feelings any longer, it isn’t healthy & it’s changing who I am.


Right now, I am at a cross road.  I am concerned that if I continue down this path, that I will turn into someone I won’t like, that I will turn into my mother.  My mother suffers with depression, bipolar or schizophrenia and a few other things.  Because of her history, I am afraid of turning into her, hence why I try to be the opposite of her.   The aliments my mother suffers from are genetic and since I am predisposed to it, I have a heightened awareness of myself & my feelings.  After a friend nicely pointed out, how much I have changed, how my spark (which she absolutely loved about me) is gone, I decided it’s time to looking internally for a way to fix myself before it is to late.

Since our individual happiness comes from within ourselves, not from anyone else, that is where I should begin.  I thought the 1st thing I should do, is to really think about myself and list 8 (since it’s my favorite number) things that I love about myself.  This isn’t as easy as it sounds.  I really took a long time with this and thought about myself back when I was a kid, as a teen, as a young adult, & now.  What are some things that I love about myself, that I have always loved?  What are some things that I love about myself now?   These are just a few questions that I began asking myself.  What about you, what are some things you absolutely love about yourself?

1. My head is always in the clouds….I am & have always been a dreamer….

2. Determined is my middle name….

3. I’m the mother I always wished I had….

4. Traveling is a part of my soul….

5. Proud to be a nerd….cause nerds have all the fun….

6. I’m a list girl….always making list in numerous notebooks around my house….

7. Music has always been a huge part of my life….plus it helps that I’m a pretty good singer….

8. I love my crazy side, which few have seen….

I know I am not alone, anyone else brave enough to share their journey of reconnecting with themselves?  It is so important for us to support and encourage one another on this difficult journey.  I am here if anyone needs an understanding ear or a friendly “you are not alone.”   If you aren’t comfortable leaving a comment and want to contact me one on one please email me @ seraireland@yahoo.com.

Cee’s Black & White Challenge: What is Beautiful to You

I had so much fun with this challenge……..Too much fun……..I had so many pics to choose from but below are my favorite ones…….showing you what is beautiful to me.  And in the captions, I explained why.  Enjoy~

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My 5 children & their spirits

2012-12-23 16.37.29

My marriage, the love we have, and the home we built together.


bonding w/ my daughters during her special moments


Sharing my love for photography with my eldest daughter doing our 1st ever creative shoot.


My 1st flower photo


he’s beautiful to us because we love him




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