Tag Archives: mobile photography

Quote of the Day….Anne Bronte

“But he who dares not grasp the thrones
should never crave the rose.”
~Anne Bronte


all images where taken with my LG 3G phone & edited in PicMonkey

A few additional images:
20160214_115620 20160214_115650

I couldn’t decide which image I like better.  What do you think?
Which image is your favorite?
What have you taken with your phone lately?

Quote of the Day….Rumi

**Since I usually include quotes with my images, I’m making it official.  Starting today I will be doing a quote a day with my 365 photography project.  Come back each day to see what new image/quote/art combo I’m sharing.**

“My heart is so small it’s almost invisible.  How can you place such big sorrows in it?  “Look,” He answered “your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world.” ~Rumi

What’s your favorite quote?  Have you created an art piece lately?
Or have you taken an image your proud of?  
I’d love to see whatever you’ve been 

Sharing with:
Silver Threading,

Follow Your Heart

Took a great image today?
Have you created an art piece you would like to share?
Share it with me, new or old

Sharing With:
Images By CW,

Love Yourself

enough to take the actions required for your happiness….
enough to cut yourself loose from the drama-filled past….
enough to set a high standard for relationships….
enough to feed your mind & body in a healthy manner….
enough to forgive yourself….enough to move on….”
~Dr. Steve Maraboli

What image did you capture today?

Sharing with:
Little By Little, Have A Cup of Mrs. Olson, Create With Joy


“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”


Where has life taken you this weekend?

Kindness Matters

“Kind words can be short & easy to speak, 
but their echos are truly endless.” ~Mother Teresa

Part of kindness week at school the kids were asked to
write something about kindness on the hands prints they made.
Then the teachers made a hand print heart.  It’s so interesting
what the kids come up with.
What does you world look like today?

Sharing with:
Communal Global, Silver Threading,

Perspective, Angles, & Thinking Outside the Box

Yesterday’s assignment with the kiddos, we did the theme “50 steps.” I’m sure most of you know what it is but for those of you that don’t it’s where you take a certain amount of steps and photograph something around you. Then you continue on, taking the steps and photographing the world around you. It’s a great way to be creative with the kids, trying to teach them perspective, angles, & thinking outside the box. Here’s an image I took to show them how much better it looks when not take straight on. Just a slight angle can make all the difference.

20160125_145745-2 (1)

taken w/ LG 3G phone

What’s going on in your world today?

Sharing with:
Our World, Create With Joy, Be There 2 Day, No Time Mommy, Diary of a New Mom, Image-in-ing , Nanahood,

Beautiful Mother Nature

“In all things of nature there is something
of the marvelous.”~ Aristotle

Farm Lights


 Sorry if you are a follower to both my blogs but today’s image is the same as my motivation of the day image.  I just loved this image.

My Sister



Sharing memories with my best friend….
my sister.