Tag Archives: mundane monday


I came across this pod while the kids & hubby were running the bases at our local baseball field. I love the simplicity of this shot as well as the coloring. Even though it’s mundane, it’s still beautiful.

  This week I’m going Pro Trablogger with there link up.  Come check out other Mundane Monday posts.
What have you captured today?

Quote of the Day….Rumi

**Since I usually include quotes with my images, I’m making it official.  Starting today I will be doing a quote a day with my 365 photography project.  Come back each day to see what new image/quote/art combo I’m sharing.**

“My heart is so small it’s almost invisible.  How can you place such big sorrows in it?  “Look,” He answered “your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world.” ~Rumi

What’s your favorite quote?  Have you created an art piece lately?
Or have you taken an image your proud of?  
I’d love to see whatever you’ve been 

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Silver Threading,


Starting today I’m going to photograph a month of hearts, which I hope will help me get more creative with my photography.
So come back each day to see what I’ve come up with.
What image did you capture today?
Feel free to share any blog post that shows pieces of your world
new or old.  Link up in my comment section

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Macro Monday 2, Through My Lens, PhoTrablogger, Aufmeineart, Black N White Weekend,